Lindmark Billboard
Contact Information:
Crystal Beal
Business Development Manager - Organic Growth

Lindmark Outdoor (Media)
2700 Technology Place
Norman, Oklahoma 73071

Phone: 844-640-7700

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Organic Growth

James Spence
General Manager - Organic Growth
Crystal Beal
Business Development Manager - Organic Growth
Angie Duncan
Land Lease Manager
Alyssa Hollis
Organic Growth - Real Estate Associate land lease
Outdoor Facts and Figures
Outdoor Advertising Increases Website Visits
Outdoor Is Tied For #1 In Consumer Favorability
Outdoor Advertising Can Grow Exposure By 100%
Interaction and Audience
Testimonials Part 2
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Lindmark Outdoor (Media) is one of the largest independent outdoor advertising companies in the United States, having been in business since 1999. We are excited about the prospect of you advertising with us. This narrative should provide you with some basic information regarding billboard advertising. This information will better assist you in making an advertising purchase, as well as help explain our advertising proposal. If you still have any questions or comments after reading this narrative and the proposal, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You should be aware of certain advertising industry terms in order to better understand how best to spend your advertising dollars. We are certain the more educated you are about the advertising industry, the more likely you will be to advertise with Lindmark Outdoor (Media).

Cost per Thousand (CPM) is the industry standard measurement of the cost of advertising per 1,000 views of your advertisement. As you’ll note on the following CPM chart, advertising with Lindmark Outdoor (Media) results in a CPM of $1.95, which translates into you spending only $1.95 for every 1,000 views of your advertisement. Indeed, you’ll notice that Lindmark Outdoor (Media) has even discounted its normal rate card (the normal price charged for a particular location) to give you the best advertising option possible. Studies have shown that your return on investment (ROI) for billboard advertising is 280%, meaning that for every $1.00 you spend you will obtain $2.80 return in business. Advertising viewers cannot change the TV/radio channel or fast forward to avoid your Lindmark Outdoor (Media) advertisement, and if you choose, your advertising is displayed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year (24/7/365).

Daily Effective Circulation (DEC) is the average number of eighteen (18) years of age or older persons who are potentially exposed to outdoor billboard advertising. Exposure may be for 12 hours (non-illuminated billboard visible during daylight hours only, 6:00 am – 6:00 pm), 18 hours (illuminated until midnight), or 24 hours (illuminated from dusk to dawn and visible at all times). DEC is computed by using factors which calibrate the period of exposure, directional traffic, and vehicle occupancy. Boiled down, the DEC number you see for your location is the average number of 18+ year old viewers of your advertisement each day it is displayed.

The CPM and DEC numbers in the proposal prove your advertising dollars are best spent with Lindmark Outdoor (Media). We will walk you through the easy advertising contract process which we streamlined by making everything available to you online. Contracts may be signed and submitted electronically via Lindmark’s website, and upon Lindmark’s receipt of payment, you will be contacted by our graphic artist who will work with you in designing your advertisement. We recommend you use bright colors and limit your wording to 10 or fewer words to make a better, lasting impression upon viewers. If you are providing artwork, please contact us for our artwork specifications. Upon artwork approval and depending on weather, your advertisement will be displayed on your selected billboard within 7 to 10 days.

We look forward to you advertising with us. Your advertising dollars are best spent with Lindmark Outdoor (Media) since you can have your advertisement displayed 24/7/365 without worrying about viewers avoiding your advertisement by fast forwarding or changing the channel. Your business’ success is our business’ success. We are confident you will succeed by advertising with Lindmark Outdoor (Media).

Phone: 405-928-5800  *  Cell:   *  Fax: 405-928-5999  *
Locations Summary
  Market Face Facing Direction Size DEC CPM
(at proposed rate)
Rate Card Proposed
Net Rate
1. Jal G14 Left Read Lower SSFE Westbound 12' x 25' 5252.592 --- $605 $400.00
  Located at: 5 W NM Hwy 128

View Large Map with all boardsTotal:$400
Average DEC:5524.83
Average Rate Per Display:$400.00
Percentage Savings off of Rate Card:-33.88%

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1. Location Information
Billboard #: G14 State: New Mexico
Address: 5 W NM Hwy 128 Longitude: -103.215476
City: Jal Latitude: 32.122760

Approach Shot

Beauty Shot
1. Sign Information
Face:G14 Left Read Lower
Size:12' x 25'
Daily Traffic:8007
Monthly Traffic:240,210
CPM (1000): ---
Description:This Structure is located on the highly traveled NM 128 in the heart of the Oil patch in southeast NM. 
Rate Card:$605.00
Proposed Net Rate:$400.00


*All rates listed are Net rates per 4 weeks billing for annual contract terms (13 billing cycles).

Vinyl Production is $2.50 per sq. foot installed (with $445 Min).

Phone: 405-928-5800  *  Cell:   *  Fax: 405-928-5999  *